A Registered Nurse By Your Side
We provide in-person healthcare navigation, advocacy, and care coordination services. If you are fighting a complex medical condition, have just received a new diagnosis, are trying to navigate the care of a loved one, whether you live nearby or far away, or need help planning for future healthcare needs, having an experienced RN by your side can help ensure you receive the care you or your loved one deserve. We attend your medical appointments with you and can ask those important medical questions you may not know or forget to ask and can translate complex medical terms and explanations. We can present you with options for second opinions, when desired, and ensure that you have a voice in your care. We can schedule your appointments and coordinate your multiple health care providers, providing them with the information needed to prevent unnecessary or duplicate testing and procedures. We take the confusion and complexity out of our healthcare system, allowing you to focus on YOU.

Are you or a loved one feeling anxious, scared, exhausted by, or overwhelmed with:
a new diagnosis?​
ongoing health challenges?​
scheduling and coordinating appointments?​
understanding the medical jargon?​
remembering what the doctor said?
trying to provide care for loved ones, maybe from a distance?

Are you looking for a better approach to controlling healthcare costs and improving outcomes while helping your employees/members become stronger advocates of their own health? That's where we excel. Our services result in:
reduced hospital admissions and readmissions.
​decreased surgical interventions when conservative treatment is an option.
better medical outcomes.
significantly improved adherence to the medical plan of care due to higher employee engagement in their healthcare.